Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. The most at-risk regions in the world for high-impact heatwaves

    Heatwaves are becoming more frequent under climate change and can lead to thousands of excess dea...

    Vikki Thompson, Dann Mitchell, Gabriele C. Hegerl, Matthew Collins, Nicholas J. Leach & Julia M. Slingo | Nature Communications | 2023 | 14
  2. Attributing and Projecting Heatwaves Is Hard: We Can Do Better

    It sounds straightforward. As the Earth warms due to the increased concentration of greenhouse ga...

    Geert Jan Van Oldenborgh, Michael F. Wehner, Robert Vautard, Friederike E. L. Otto, Sonia I. Seneviratne, Peter A. Stott, Gabriele C. Hegerl, Sjoukje Y. Philip, Sarah F. Kew | Earth's Future | 2022 | 10
  3. Towards advancing scientific knowledge of climate change impacts on short-duration rainfall extremes

    A large number of recent studies have aimed at understanding short-duration rainfall extremes, du...

    Fowler, H.J., Ali, H., Allan, R.P., Ban, N., Barbero, R., Berg, P., Blenkinsop, S., Cabi, N.S., Chan, S., Dale, M., Dunn, R.J.H., Ekström, M., Evans, J.P., Fosser, G., Golding, B., Guerreiro, S.B., Hegerl, G.C., Kahraman, A., Kendon, E.J., Lenderink, G., Lewis, E., Li, X., O'Gorman, P.A., Orr, H.G., Peat, K.L., Prein, A.F., Pritchard, D., Schär, C., Sharma, A., Stott, P.A., Villalobos-Herrera, R., Villarini, G., Wasko, C., Wehner, M.F., Westra, S., Whitford, A. | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences | 2021 | 379
  4. Comparing Methods to Constrain Future European Climate Projections Using a Consistent Framework

    L Brunner, C McSeeeney, AP Ballinger, Belfort, Benassi, Booth, Copolla, H de Vries, Harris, Hegerl, Knutti, G Lenderink, Et al | published | J. Climate | 2020 | 33
  5. Multiple perspectives on the attribution of the extreme European summer of 2012 to climate change

    Summer 2012 was very wet in northern Europe, and unusually dry and hot in southern Europe. We use...

    LJ Wilcox, P Yiou, FC Lott, GJ van Oldenborgh, I Colfescu, B Dong, G Hegerl, L Shaffrey, R Sutton | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2018 | 50
  6. Estimating changes in global temperature since the pre-industrial period

    Better defining (or altogether avoiding) the term ‘pre-industrial’ would aid interpretation of in...

    E Hawkins, P Ortega, E Suxkling, A Schurer, G Hegerl, P Jones, V Masson-Delmonte, J Mignot, P Thorne, GJ van Oldenborgh | published | BAMS | 2017
  7. Indices for monitoring changes in extremes based on daily temperature and precipitation data

    X Zhang, L Alexander, GC Hegerl, P Jones, AMG Klein Tank, TC Peterson, B Trewin, FW Zwiers | published | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews | 2011 | 2
  8. Millennial temperature reconstruction intercomparison and evaluation

    MN Juckes, MR Allen, KR Briffa, J Esper, GC Hegerl, A Moberg, TJ Osborn, SL Weber | published | Climate of the Past | 2007