Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Quantifying urban, industrial, and background changes in NO2 during the COVID-19 lockdown period based on TROPOMI satellite observations

    The COVID-19 lockdown had a large impact on anthropogenic emissions of air pollutants and particu...

    Vitali Fioletov, Chris A. McLinden, Debora Griffin, Nickolay Krotkov, Fei Liu, and Henk Eskes | Atmos | 2022
  2. Top-Down NOX Emissions of European Cities Based on the Downwind Plume of Modelled and Space-Borne Tropospheric NO2 Columns

    Top-down estimates of surface NOX emissions were derived for 23 European cities based on the down...

    Verstraeten, Willem W., Klaas Folkert Boersma, John Douros, Jason E. Williams, Henk Eskes, Fei Liu, Steffen Beirle, and Andy Delcloo | Sensors | 2018 | 18, no. 9: 2893
  3. NOx emission trends over Chinese cities estimated from OMI observations during 2005 to 2015

    Satellite nitrogen dioxide (NO2) observations have been widely used to evaluate emission changes....

    Fei Liu, Steffen Beirle, Qiang Zhang1 Ronald J. van der A, Bo Zheng, Dan Tong, Kebin He | published | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | 2017 | 17